Friday, November 25, 2011

What do I mean by Proud Independent?

I figure that it would be most prudent to start this discussion with an explanation of the author of this series of observations.

I am a man in his late twenties.  I have worked in the human service industry for over 6 years now, and have previously worked in retail, production, and distribution services.  I went to college a total of three times; first for political science, second for history education, and last for human services.  I have obtained my Master's Degree in human services.

My parents were factory workers all of their lives, and I was lucky enough to have my parents remain together until my father's death in 2010.  My interest in politics came from my father, as my mother has little tolerance for the insanity of the political process.  Perhaps she is wiser than I am.  My father was quite a conundrum when it comes to understanding his political leanings.  He was born in the late 30's, served for eight years in the USMC, is an avid outdoorsman, and is from a very conservative part of Pennsylvania.  He has all of the classic signs to be extremely conservative, however, he ended up being extremely liberal.  I only write this in here to explain that if my observations seem a little skewed in an odd way, this is from whence I got my orgical thought patterns as it comes to politics. 

While I find myself agreeing more with the left than the right when it comes to politics, I tend to agree that the cautions expressed by the right need to be considered and a response given to them.  I have grown to be very distrustful of the Republicans and the Democrats.  I am proud to call myself an independent voter in America, and I may hold on to my independent values as strongly as most liberal and conservatives hold on to their own.

The point of writing this blog is to challenge people to consider the outcome rather than the means.  To focus on the solution rather than the dogma.  The problems that our country is facing are great, and unless we as a people (and as a government) can put aside petty differences, I question our survival as a nation.  It is with this goal, a RESPECTFUL discourse of ideas and opinion that I offer my mind up to a candid audience.  I accept debate in this forum, but please be respectful and aim the object of the debate on the issues and not the individuals sharing their views.  I doubt that there are many "facists" who want the government to control every little intricacy of life, nor are there many "socialists" who want the government to run everything because people are inept, nor are there many "anarchists" who just want to see Washington burned to the ground.  We are all patriotic Americans who want to see what we feel is best for our country.  We just differ in the opinion of what is best.  It is through repsectful and open discourse that we could possibly find this "best option."

Welcome to my blog.  I appreciate the audience.